TemporalObject abstract base class.
- class dynamicpet.temporalobject.temporalobject.TemporalObject¶
TemporalObject abstract base class.
- frame_start¶
vector containing the start times of each frame
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_duration¶
vector containing the durations of each frame
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- abstract concatenate(other)¶
Concatenate with another TemporalObject of same type.
- Parameters:
other (T) – TemporalObject to concatenate
- Returns:
concatenated TemporalObject
- Return type:
- cumulative_integral(integration_type='trapz')¶
Cumulative integration starting at t=0 and ending at each frame_end.
If start_time > 0, the triangular area between (t=0, 0) and (t=start_time, dataobj value at 0th frame) will be added to each cumulative integral.
- Parameters:
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
cumulative integral, with same shape as dataobj
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid integration type
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- abstract property dataobj: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get data object, which can be a 2-D or a 3-D matrix.
The last dimension of dataobj corresponds to time.
- property end_time: float¶
Get the ending time of last frame.
- abstract extract(start_time, end_time)¶
Extract a time interval.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to begin, inclusive
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to stop, inclusive
- Returns:
extracted time interval
- Return type:
- property frame_end: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get an array of end times for each frame.
- property frame_mid: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get an array of mid times for each frame.
- get_idx_extract_time(start_time, end_time)¶
Get the start and end indices for extracting a time interval.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to begin, inclusive
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to stop, inclusive
- Returns:
tuple of start index (inclusive) and end index (exclusive) of interval to extract
- Raises:
TimingError – extraction times are out of bound
- Return type:
tuple[int, int]
- get_weights(weight_by=None)¶
Get weights for each time frame.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
- Returns:
numeric weights as a vector with num_frames elements
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid weights
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- has_gaps()¶
Check if there are any time gaps between frames.
- Return type:
- property num_elements: int¶
Get number of elements in each frame.
- property num_frames: int¶
Get number of frames.
- overlap_with(other)¶
Determine temporal overlap with another TemporalObject of same type.
This is an overlap finding problem in a set of line segments. Each frame is a line segment, with start and end of the line segment corresponding to frame start and end times, respectively. For the purpose of defining overlap, these line segments are treated as being closed at the start and open at the end. If there is no overlap, the output will be an empty list.
- Parameters:
other (T) – TemporalObject to compare to
- Returns:
list of tuples listing frame start and end times.
- Return type:
list[tuple[int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any], int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]]]
- property shape: tuple[int, ...]¶
Get shape of dataobj.
- split(split_time)¶
Split into two TemporalObjects, preserving total n of frames.
- Parameters:
split_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to split
- Returns:
first of the two split TemporalObjects, not including split_time second_img: second of the two split TemporalObjects, including split_time
- Return type:
- property start_time: float¶
Get the starting time of first frame.
- property total_duration: float¶
Get total scan duration (including any gaps).
- exception dynamicpet.temporalobject.temporalobject.TimingError¶
Invalid frame timing.
- dynamicpet.temporalobject.temporalobject.check_frametiming(frame_start, frame_duration)¶
Check if frame timing is valid.
- Parameters:
frame_start (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector of frame start times
frame_duration (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector of frame end times
- Raises:
TimingError – inconsistent timing info
- Return type:
TemporalMatrix class.
- class dynamicpet.temporalobject.temporalmatrix.TemporalMatrix(dataobj, frame_start, frame_duration, elem_names=None)¶
Matrix with corresponding time frame information.
- Parameters:
dataobj (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector or k x num_frames matrix
frame_start (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector containing the start times of each frame
frame_duration (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector containing the durations of each frame
elem_names (list[str] | None) – [optional] list of k element names
- _dataobj¶
1 x num_frames vector or k x num_frames matrix
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_start¶
vector containing the start times of each frame
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_duration¶
vector containing the durations of each frame
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- elem_names¶
list of k element names
- concatenate(other)¶
Concatenate a TemporalMatrix at the end (in time).
- Parameters:
other (TemporalMatrix) – TemporalMatrix to concatenate
- Returns:
concatenated TemporalMatrix
- Raises:
TimingError – TemporalMatrices have temporal overlap or TemporalMatrix being concatenated is earlier in time
ValueError – TemporalMatrix being concatenated has different element names
- Return type:
- property dataobj: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get data object.
- dynamic_mean(weight_by=None, integration_type='rect')¶
Compute the (weighted) dynamic mean over time.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
a 1-D array of weighted temporal averages
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- extract(start_time, end_time)¶
Extract a temporally shorter TemporalMatrix from a TemporalMatrix.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to begin, inclusive
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to stop, inclusive
- Returns:
extracted TemporalMatrix
- Return type:
- get_elem(elem)¶
Get timeseries data for a specific element.
- Parameters:
elem (str)
- Return type:
- timeseries_in_mask(mask=None)¶
Get timeseries for each element within a subset of the elements.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – Binary mask defining the subset, with shape = (num_elements, 1)
- Returns:
timeseries (in mask if provided, otherwise a copy of self is returned)
- Raises:
ValueError – binary mask is incompatible
- Return type:
TemporalImage class.
- class dynamicpet.temporalobject.temporalimage.TemporalImage(img, frame_start, frame_duration)¶
4-D image with corresponding time frame information.
- Parameters:
img (SpatialImage) – a SpatialImage object with a 3-D or 4-D dataobj
frame_start (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector containing the start time of each frame
frame_duration (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector containing the duration of each frame
- img¶
SpatialImage storing image data matrix and header
- Type:
- frame_start¶
vector containing the start times of each frame
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_duration¶
vector containing durations of each frame
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- concatenate(other)¶
Concatenate another TemporalImage at the end (in time).
- Parameters:
other (TemporalImage) – TemporalImage to concatenate
- Returns:
concatenated temporal image
- Raises:
TimingError – TemporalImages have temporal overlap or TemporalImage being concatenated is earlier in time
- Return type:
- property dataobj: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]¶
Get dataobj of image.
- dynamic_mean(weight_by=None, integration_type='rect')¶
Compute the (weighted) dynamic mean over time.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
3-D image that is the weighted temporal average
- Return type:
- extract(start_time, end_time)¶
Extract a temporally shorter TemporalImage from a TemporalImage.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to begin, inclusive
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to stop, inclusive
- Returns:
extracted TemporalImage
- Return type:
- mean_timeseries_in_mask(mask)¶
Get mean time activity curve (TAC) within a region of interest.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – 3-D binary mask
- Returns:
mean time series in mask
- Return type:
- property num_voxels: int¶
Get number of voxels in each frame.
- timeseries_in_mask(mask=None)¶
Get time activity curves (TAC) for each voxel within a region of interest.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – 3-D binary mask
- Returns:
timeseries (in mask if provided, otherwise in entire image)
- Raises:
ValueError – binary mask is incompatible
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.temporalobject.temporalimage.image_maker(x, img)¶
Make image from dataobj.
- Parameters:
x (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – data object
img (SpatialImage) – image whose class, affine, and header will be used to make x into an image
- Returns:
created image
- Return type:
PET BIDS json parsing.
Functions that take as input only the json (and not the PET data itself) are defined here.
It might be useful to make this into its own class in the future.
- class dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.PetBidsJson¶
PET-BIDS json dictionary.
- clear() None. Remove all items from D. ¶
- copy() a shallow copy of D ¶
- fromkeys(value=None, /)¶
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
- get(key, default=None, /)¶
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items ¶
- keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys ¶
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. ¶
If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.
- popitem()¶
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
- setdefault(key, default=None, /)¶
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. ¶
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values() an object providing a view on D's values ¶
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.get_frametiming_in_mins(json_dict)¶
Get frame timing information, in minutes, from PET-BIDS json.
PET-BIDS json must be in the 2020 format with the following tags: FrameDuration: Time duration of each frame in seconds FrameTimesStart: Start times for each frame relative to TimeZero in seconds ScanStart: Time of start of scan with respect to TimeZero in seconds InjectionStart: Time of start of injection with respect to TimeZero in seconds. This corresponds to DICOM Tag (0018,1042) converted to seconds relative to TimeZero. At least one of ScanStart and InjectionStart should be 0. This method does not check if the FrameTimesStart and FrameDuration entries in the json file are sensible.
- Parameters:
json_dict (PetBidsJson) – PET-BIDS json dictionary
- Returns:
vector of frame start times relative to injection start, in minutes frame_end: vector of frame end times relative to injection start, in minutes
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid frame timing
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.get_hhmmss(json_dict, event)¶
Get event time in HH:MM:SS.
- Parameters:
json_dict (PetBidsJson) – json dictionary
event (Literal['ScanStart', 'InjectionStart', 'ImageDecayCorrectionTime', 'FirstFrameStart', 'TimeZero']) – event whose time to get in HH:MM:SS
- Returns:
event time
- Raises:
ValueError – image is not decay corrected
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.get_radionuclide_halflife(json_dict)¶
Get halflife of radionuclide from PET BIDS JSON dictionary.
- Parameters:
json_dict (PetBidsJson)
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.read_json(jsonfilename)¶
Read PET-BIDS json (no validity checks).
- Parameters:
jsonfilename (str | PathLike[str]) – path to csv file containing frame timing information
- Returns:
json dictionary
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – jsonfilename was not found
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.timediff(firsttime, secondtime)¶
Get difference in seconds between two datetime.time objects HH:MM:SS.
- Parameters:
firsttime (time)
secondtime (time)
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.update_frametiming_from(json_dict, temporal_object)¶
Update frame timing information in PET-BIDS json from TemporalObject.
- Parameters:
json_dict (PetBidsJson) – json dictionary to be updated
temporal_object (TemporalObject[Any]) – TemporalObject to pull frame timing info from
- Returns:
updated json dictionary
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsjson.write_json(json_dict, filename)¶
Write dictionary to a json file.
- Parameters:
json_dict (PetBidsJson) – PET BIDS json dictionary
filename (str | PathLike[str]) – file name for the output
- Return type:
PETBIDSMatrix class.
- class dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsmatrix.PETBIDSMatrix(dataobj, json_dict, elem_names=None)¶
4-D image data with corresponding PET-BIDS time frame information.
- Parameters:
dataobj (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – vector or k x num_frames matrix
json_dict (PetBidsJson) – PET-BIDS json dictionary
elem_names (list[str] | None) – list of k ROI names
- _dataobj¶
1 x num_frames vector or k x num_frames matrix
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_start¶
vector containing the start times of each frame, in min
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_duration¶
vector containing the durations of each frame, in min
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- json_dict¶
PET-BIDS json dictionary
- elem_names¶
list of k element names
- concatenate(other)¶
Concatenate another PETBIDSMatrix at the end (in time).
- Parameters:
other (PETBIDSMatrix) – PETBIDSMatrix to concatenate
- Returns:
concatenated PETBIDSMatrix
- Return type:
- cumulative_integral(integration_type='trapz')¶
Cumulative integration starting at t=0 and ending at each frame_end.
If start_time > 0, the triangular area between (t=0, 0) and (t=start_time, dataobj value at 0th frame) will be added to each cumulative integral.
- Parameters:
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
cumulative integral, with same shape as dataobj
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid integration type
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- property dataobj: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get data object.
- decay_correct(decaycorrecttime=0)¶
Return decay corrected PETBIDSMatrix.
- Parameters:
decaycorrecttime (float) – time to decay correct to, relative to time zero
- Returns:
decay corrected TACs
- Return type:
- decay_uncorrect()¶
Return decay uncorrected PETBIDSMatrix.
- Return type:
- dynamic_mean(weight_by=None, integration_type='rect')¶
Compute the (weighted) dynamic mean over time.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
a 1-D array of weighted temporal averages
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- property end_time: float¶
Get the ending time of last frame.
- extract(start_time, end_time)¶
Extract a temporally shorter PETBIDSMatrix from a PETBIDSMatrix.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time (min) at which to begin relative to TimeZero, incl.
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time (min) at which to stop relative to TimeZero, incl.
- Returns:
extracted PETBIDSMatrix
- Return type:
- property frame_end: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get an array of end times for each frame.
- property frame_mid: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get an array of mid times for each frame.
- get_decay_corrected_tacs(decaycorrecttime=0)¶
Decay correct time activity curves (TACs).
- Parameters:
decaycorrecttime (float) – new time offset (in seconds) to decay correct to, relative to TimeZero
- Returns:
decay corrected TACs
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- get_decay_correction_factor(decaycorrecttime=0)¶
Get radionuclide decay correction factor.
- Parameters:
decaycorrecttime (float) – time offset (in seconds) relative to TimeZero for decay correction factor calculation
- Returns:
decay correction factors
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- get_decay_uncorrected_tacs()¶
Decay uncorrect time activity curves (TACs).
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- get_elem(elem)¶
Get timeseries data for a specific element.
- Parameters:
elem (str)
- Return type:
- get_idx_extract_time(start_time, end_time)¶
Get the start and end indices for extracting a time interval.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to begin, inclusive
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to stop, inclusive
- Returns:
tuple of start index (inclusive) and end index (exclusive) of interval to extract
- Raises:
TimingError – extraction times are out of bound
- Return type:
tuple[int, int]
- get_weights(weight_by=None)¶
Get weights for each time frame.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
- Returns:
numeric weights as a vector with num_frames elements
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid weights
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- has_gaps()¶
Check if there are any time gaps between frames.
- Return type:
- property num_elements: int¶
Get number of elements in each frame.
- property num_frames: int¶
Get number of frames.
- overlap_with(other)¶
Determine temporal overlap with another TemporalObject of same type.
This is an overlap finding problem in a set of line segments. Each frame is a line segment, with start and end of the line segment corresponding to frame start and end times, respectively. For the purpose of defining overlap, these line segments are treated as being closed at the start and open at the end. If there is no overlap, the output will be an empty list.
- Parameters:
other (T) – TemporalObject to compare to
- Returns:
list of tuples listing frame start and end times.
- Return type:
list[tuple[int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any], int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]]]
- set_timezero(anchor='InjectionStart')¶
Modify time tags and frame time start to specified anchor.
- Parameters:
anchor (Literal['InjectionStart', 'ScanStart'])
- Return type:
- property shape: tuple[int, ...]¶
Get shape of dataobj.
- split(split_time)¶
Split into two TemporalObjects, preserving total n of frames.
- Parameters:
split_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to split
- Returns:
first of the two split TemporalObjects, not including split_time second_img: second of the two split TemporalObjects, including split_time
- Return type:
- property start_time: float¶
Get the starting time of first frame.
- timeseries_in_mask(mask=None)¶
Get timeseries for each element within a subset of the elements.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – Binary mask defining the subset, with shape = (num_elements, 1)
- Returns:
timeseries (in mask if provided, otherwise a copy of self is returned)
- Raises:
ValueError – binary mask is incompatible
- Return type:
- to_filename(filename, save_json=False, anchor='InjectionStart')¶
Save to file.
- Parameters:
filename (str | PathLike[str]) – file name for the tabular TAC tsv output
save_json (bool) – whether the PET-BIDS json side car should be saved
anchor (Literal['InjectionStart', 'ScanStart']) – time anchor. The corresponding tag in the PET-BIDS json will be set to zero (with appropriate offsets applied to other tags).
- Raises:
ValueError – file is not a tsv file
- Return type:
- property total_duration: float¶
Get total scan duration (including any gaps).
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsmatrix.load(filename, jsonfilename=None)¶
Read a tsv file containing temporal entries.
Each column of the tsv file should be a time activity curve.
- Parameters:
filename (str | PathLike[str]) – path to the tsv file
jsonfilename (str | PathLike[str] | None) – path to the PET BIDS json file
- Returns:
PETBIDSMatrix created from tsv file
- Raises:
ValueError – file is not a tsv file
- Return type:
PETBIDSImage class.
- class dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsimage.PETBIDSImage(img, json_dict)¶
4-D image data with corresponding PET-BIDS time frame information.
- Parameters:
img (SpatialImage) – a SpatialImage object with a 3-D or 4-D dataobj
json_dict (PetBidsJson) – PET-BIDS json dictionary
- img¶
SpatialImage storing image data matrix and header
- Type:
- frame_start¶
vector containing the start times of each frame, in min
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- frame_duration¶
vector containing the durations of each frame, in min
- Type:
numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.number[Any]]]
- json_dict¶
PET-BIDS json dictionary
- concatenate(other)¶
Concatenate another PETBIDSImage at the end (in time).
- Parameters:
other (PETBIDSImage) – PETBIDSImage to concatenate
- Returns:
concatenated PETBIDSImage
- Return type:
- cumulative_integral(integration_type='trapz')¶
Cumulative integration starting at t=0 and ending at each frame_end.
If start_time > 0, the triangular area between (t=0, 0) and (t=start_time, dataobj value at 0th frame) will be added to each cumulative integral.
- Parameters:
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
cumulative integral, with same shape as dataobj
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid integration type
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- property dataobj: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]¶
Get dataobj of image.
- decay_correct(decaycorrecttime=0)¶
Return decay corrected PETBIDSImage.
This code is written to work with both ScanStart and InjectionStart as TimeZero anchors, even though the internal representation is always with an InjectionStart anchor.
- Parameters:
decaycorrecttime (float) – time to decay correct to, relative to time zero
- Returns:
decay corrected PET image
- Return type:
- decay_uncorrect()¶
Return decay uncorrected PETBIDSImage.
- Return type:
- dynamic_mean(weight_by=None, integration_type='rect')¶
Compute the (weighted) dynamic mean over time.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – rect (rectangular) or trapz (trapezoidal).
- Returns:
3-D image that is the weighted temporal average
- Return type:
- property end_time: float¶
Get the ending time of last frame.
- extract(start_time, end_time)¶
Extract a temporally shorter PETBIDSImage from a PETBIDSImage.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time (min) at which to begin relative to TimeZero, incl.
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time (min) at which to stop relative to TimeZero, incl.
- Returns:
extracted PETBIDSImage
- Return type:
- property frame_end: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get an array of end times for each frame.
- property frame_mid: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]¶
Get an array of mid times for each frame.
- get_decay_corrected_tacs(decaycorrecttime=0)¶
Decay correct time activity curves (TACs).
- Parameters:
decaycorrecttime (float) – new time offset (in seconds) to decay correct to, relative to TimeZero
- Returns:
decay corrected TACs
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- get_decay_correction_factor(decaycorrecttime=0)¶
Get radionuclide decay correction factor.
- Parameters:
decaycorrecttime (float) – time offset (in seconds) relative to TimeZero for decay correction factor calculation
- Returns:
decay correction factors
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- get_decay_uncorrected_tacs()¶
Decay uncorrect time activity curves (TACs).
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- get_idx_extract_time(start_time, end_time)¶
Get the start and end indices for extracting a time interval.
- Parameters:
start_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to begin, inclusive
end_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to stop, inclusive
- Returns:
tuple of start index (inclusive) and end index (exclusive) of interval to extract
- Raises:
TimingError – extraction times are out of bound
- Return type:
tuple[int, int]
- get_weights(weight_by=None)¶
Get weights for each time frame.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
- Returns:
numeric weights as a vector with num_frames elements
- Raises:
ValueError – invalid weights
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- has_gaps()¶
Check if there are any time gaps between frames.
- Return type:
- mean_timeseries_in_mask(mask)¶
Get mean time activity curve (TAC) within a region of interest.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – 3-D binary mask
- Returns:
mean time series in mask
- Return type:
- property num_elements: int¶
Get number of elements in each frame.
- property num_frames: int¶
Get number of frames.
- property num_voxels: int¶
Get number of voxels in each frame.
- overlap_with(other)¶
Determine temporal overlap with another TemporalObject of same type.
This is an overlap finding problem in a set of line segments. Each frame is a line segment, with start and end of the line segment corresponding to frame start and end times, respectively. For the purpose of defining overlap, these line segments are treated as being closed at the start and open at the end. If there is no overlap, the output will be an empty list.
- Parameters:
other (T) – TemporalObject to compare to
- Returns:
list of tuples listing frame start and end times.
- Return type:
list[tuple[int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any], int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]]]
- set_timezero(anchor='InjectionStart')¶
Modify time tags and frame time start to specified anchor.
- Parameters:
anchor (Literal['InjectionStart', 'ScanStart'])
- Return type:
- property shape: tuple[int, ...]¶
Get shape of dataobj.
- split(split_time)¶
Split into two TemporalObjects, preserving total n of frames.
- Parameters:
split_time (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]) – time at which to split
- Returns:
first of the two split TemporalObjects, not including split_time second_img: second of the two split TemporalObjects, including split_time
- Return type:
- property start_time: float¶
Get the starting time of first frame.
- timeseries_in_mask(mask=None)¶
Get time activity curves (TAC) for each voxel within a region of interest.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – 3-D binary mask
- Returns:
timeseries (in mask if provided, otherwise in entire image)
- Raises:
ValueError – binary mask is incompatible
- Return type:
- to_filename(filename, save_json=False, anchor='InjectionStart')¶
Save to file.
- Parameters:
filename (str | PathLike[str]) – file name for the PET image output
save_json (bool) – whether the PET-BIDS json side car should be saved
anchor (Literal['InjectionStart', 'ScanStart']) – time anchor. The corresponding tag in the PET-BIDS json will be set to zero (with appropriate offsets applied to other tags).
- Return type:
- property total_duration: float¶
Get total scan duration (including any gaps).
- dynamicpet.petbids.petbidsimage.load(filename, jsonfilename=None, **kwargs)¶
Load a PET image and accompanying BIDS json.
- Parameters:
filename (str | PathLike[str]) – path to 4-D image file to load
jsonfilename (str | PathLike[str] | None) – path to PET-BIDS json file with frame timing info
kwargs (Any) – keyword arguments to format-specific load (see nibabel.load)
- Returns:
loaded image
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – filename or jsonfilename was not found
- Return type:
HYPR denoising.
- dynamicpet.denoise.hypr.hypr_lr(ti, fwhm)¶
HYPR-LR denoising for dynamic PET.
HYPR-LR is short for HighlY constrained backPRojection for Local Reconstruction.
Reference: Christian, B. T., Vandehey, N. T., Floberg, J. M., Mistretta, C. A. (2010). Dynamic PET denoising with HYPR processing. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 51(7), 1147-1154. https://doi.org/10.2967/jnumed.109.073999
- Parameters:
ti (PETBIDSImage) – dynamic PET
fwhm (float) – full width at half max (in mm) of the Gaussian smoothing filter
- Returns:
HYPR-LR denoised dynamic PET
- Return type:
These kinetic model implementations use the entire temporal extent of the TAC object provided for modeling. If you’d like to use a specific time interval for modeling, first extract this time interval and then fit the kinetic model.
Standardized update value ratio (SUVR).
- class dynamicpet.kineticmodel.suvr.SUVR(reftac, tacs)¶
Standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR).
- SUVR = SUV (target) / SUV (reference)
- = frame duration weighted sum of target TAC /
frame duration weighted sum of reference TAC
- Parameters:
reftac (TemporalMatrix)
tacs (TemporalMatrix | TemporalImage)
- fit(mask=None)¶
Calculate SUVR.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where to fit the kinetic model. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric estimate outputs.
- Return type:
>>> import numpy as np >>> from dynamicpet.temporalobject import TemporalMatrix >>> from dynamicpet.kineticmodel.suvr import SUVR >>> frame_start = [60, 70] >>> frame_duration = [10, 10] >>> reftac = TemporalMatrix(dataobj=np.array([2, 2]), frame_start=frame_start, frame_duration=frame_duration) >>> tacs = TemporalMatrix(dataobj=np.array([[3, 3], [6, 6]]), frame_start=frame_start, frame_duration=frame_duration) >>> km = SUVR(reftac, tacs) >>> km.fit() >>> km.get_parameter('SUVR') array([1.5, 3. ])
- fitted_tacs()¶
Get fitted TACs based on estimated model parameters.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_param_names()¶
Get names of kinetic model parameters.
- Return type:
- get_parameter(param_name)¶
Get a fitted parameter.
If the input (tacs) is an image, parameter will be returned as an image. Otherwise, it will be a matrix.
- Parameters:
param_name (str) – name of parameter
- Returns:
parameter matrix or image
- Raises:
AttributeError – no estimate is available (kinetic model has not been fitted) or this model doesn’t have such a parameter
- Return type:
SpatialImage | ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- set_parameter(param_name, param, mask=None)¶
Set kinetic model parameter.
- Parameters:
param_name (str) – name of parameter to set
param (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – parameter estimate
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where the kinetic model was fitted. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric outputs.
- Return type:
Simplified reference tissue model (SRTM).
- class dynamicpet.kineticmodel.srtm.SRTMLammertsma1996(reftac, tacs)¶
Simplified reference tissue model (SRTM).
Reference: Lammertsma AA, Hume SP. Simplified reference tissue model for PET receptor studies. NeuroImage. 1996 Dec;4(3 Pt 1):153-8.
- Parameters:
reftac (TemporalMatrix)
tacs (TemporalMatrix | TemporalImage)
- fit(mask=None, weight_by=None)¶
Estimate model parameters.
- Parameters:
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – [optional] frame weights used in model fitting. If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where to fit the kinetic model. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric estimate outputs.
- Return type:
- fitted_tacs()¶
Get fitted TACs based on estimated model parameters.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_param_names()¶
Get names of kinetic model parameters.
- Return type:
- get_parameter(param_name)¶
Get a fitted parameter.
If the input (tacs) is an image, parameter will be returned as an image. Otherwise, it will be a matrix.
- Parameters:
param_name (str) – name of parameter
- Returns:
parameter matrix or image
- Raises:
AttributeError – no estimate is available (kinetic model has not been fitted) or this model doesn’t have such a parameter
- Return type:
SpatialImage | ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- set_parameter(param_name, param, mask=None)¶
Set kinetic model parameter.
- Parameters:
param_name (str) – name of parameter to set
param (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – parameter estimate
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where the kinetic model was fitted. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric outputs.
- Return type:
- class dynamicpet.kineticmodel.srtm.SRTMZhou2003(reftac, tacs)¶
Simplified reference tissue model (SRTM) with linear spatial constraint.
Reference: Zhou Y, Endres CJ, Brašić JR, Huang S-C, Wong DF. Linear regression with spatial constraint to generate parametric images of ligand-receptor dynamic PET studies with a simplified reference tissue model. Neuroimage. 2003;18:975-989.
- Parameters:
reftac (TemporalMatrix)
tacs (TemporalMatrix | TemporalImage)
- fit(mask=None, integration_type='trapz', weight_by='frame_duration', fwhm=None)¶
Estimate model parameters.
- Parameters:
integration_type (Literal['rect', 'trapz']) – If ‘rect’, rectangular integration is used for TACs. If ‘trapz’, trapezoidal integration is used based on middle timepoint of each frame.
weight_by (Literal['frame_duration'] | ~numpy.ndarray[~typing.Any, ~numpy.dtype[~numpy.number[~typing.Any]]] | None) – [optional] frame weights used in model fitting. If weight_by == None, each frame is weighted equally. If weight_by == ‘frame_duration’, each frame is weighted proportionally to its duration (inverse variance weighting). If weight_by is a 1-D array, then specified values are used.
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where to fit the kinetic model. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric estimate outputs.
fwhm (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any] | list[int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]] | None) – scalar or length 3 sequence, FWHM in mm over which to smooth
- Return type:
- fitted_tacs()¶
Get fitted TACs based on estimated model parameters.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_param_names()¶
Get names of kinetic model parameters.
- Return type:
- get_parameter(param_name)¶
Get a fitted parameter.
If the input (tacs) is an image, parameter will be returned as an image. Otherwise, it will be a matrix.
- Parameters:
param_name (str) – name of parameter
- Returns:
parameter matrix or image
- Raises:
AttributeError – no estimate is available (kinetic model has not been fitted) or this model doesn’t have such a parameter
- Return type:
SpatialImage | ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
- prep_refine_r1(mask=None, fwhm=None)¶
Refine R1.
- Parameters:
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where to fit the kinetic model. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric estimate outputs.
fwhm (int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any] | list[int | float | integer[Any] | floating[Any]] | None) – scalar or length 3 sequence, FWHM in mm over which to smooth
- Returns:
flattened matrix (according to mask) of smoothed r1 smooth_k2_mat: flattened matrix (according to mask) of smoothed k2 smooth_k2a_mat: flattened matrix (according to mask) of smoothed k2a h: matrix as described in Zhou et al.
- Return type:
- set_parameter(param_name, param, mask=None)¶
Set kinetic model parameter.
- Parameters:
param_name (str) – name of parameter to set
param (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]) – parameter estimate
mask (ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]] | None) – [optional] A 1-D (for TemporalMatrix TACs) or 3-D (for TemporalImage TACs) binary mask that defines where the kinetic model was fitted. Elements outside the mask will be set to to 0 in parametric outputs.
- Return type:
- dynamicpet.kineticmodel.srtm.srtm_model(reftac, bp_nd, r1, k2)¶
SRTM model to generate a target TAC.
- Parameters:
reftac (TemporalMatrix) – reference TAC
bp_nd (float) – binding potential
r1 (float) – relative radiotracer delivery parameter, R1
k2 (float) – k2
- Returns:
target TAC
- Return type:
ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]